Interior & Exterior Painting
Intermountain Painting & Wallpaper – Ogden, Salt Lake City, Logan Painting Contractor, Wallpaper Contractor
Interior & Exterior Painting
Paint serves two functions, the first is protection. A good paint coating will keep sun and moisture away from the surface. The second purpose of paint is to beautify by giving the desired color and finish. It is my job to properly prepare the surface and apply the paint in order to provide both protection and beauty.
Procedure for Exterior Painting
- We scrape and sand to remove loses paint.
- We fill voids and cracks in siding and trim, with the appropriate patching compound for the substrate.
- We caulk where necessary
- We Prime where necessary.
- We apply top quality finish paint.
Procedure for Interior Painting
- We Wash all areas that may cause adhesion problems.
- We Caulk and putty where ever necessary.
- We Prime bare wood, drywall and stains.
- We Mask and protect floors, furniture and belongings.
- We Scrape and sand as necessary.
- We apply top quality interior paint.
Intermountain Painting & Wallpaper paints your house with the highest quality coatings and paints. You can depend on our company to use only the highest quality brands of exterior paint. It is proven effective against sun, rain, and mildew, peeling and chipping. Our attention to detail, gives you a quality, professional job that you deserve and expect. You can trust us to protect your valuable non- painted surfaces, such as your carpet, flooring and furniture and any other item needing protected.
When you find your in need of a painting contractor that gets the job done right the first time and in a timely manner, call us Intermountain Painting & Wallpaper at 801-726-1406 or fill out our online request form and we’ll give you a FREE ESTIMATE!